Tuesday 9 August 2011

wimbledon movie im looking for a movie tilte?

wimbledon movie: im seeking for a film tilte?
ive seen it a prolonged time ago so i dnt unequivocally recollect it though i know a all about tennis…
theres a man who is utterly aged for a tennisman as good as who is meditative of winning wimbledon to finish his career…
on a alternative side there is additionally a immature flattering lady who is simply a expert though has a same impression as John McEnroe…
Sorry for a couple of sum i can yield as good as interjection for ur help

Answer by Meaghan
Wimbledon (2004): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0360201/

“In only dual summer weeks, a British tennis player who was ranked 119th in a universe (Bettany), as good as in all deliberate to be upon his final legs as a veteran player, gets his a single final possibility to win both a All-England Lawn Tennis Championships upon a grassy courts of Wimbledon… as good as a heart of a taking flight star “bad lady of tennis” (Dunst) as well.”

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyL1ldJAvAc

Know better? Leave your own answer in a comments!