Sunday 26 June 2011

wimbledon movie Does anyone think the courts are too small in the movie "Wimbledon?"?

wimbledon movie: Does any one consider a courts have been as well little in a film “Wimbledon?”?
I’m privately articulate about a wide-angle shots which uncover both players as well as a total court. we haven’t essentially seen this movie, only a film trailers. I’ve been personification tennis many of my life, as well as a courts only looked little upon screen. we consider they might have shrunk a justice during their immature shade process, so they could digitally insert a tennis ball, though we was anticipating which someone would be means to determine which this is what they did.

Best Reply:

Answer by kitty
I haven´t beheld it though i will substantially be some-more courteous if i watch a film once again.

Know better? Leave your own answer in a comments!

Patrick Kielty as well as Jesse Metcalfe weren’t authorised upon a weed so they attempted their palm during a not as big chronicle of a game